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Aneurin Barnard

The Scandalous Lady W (2015)
IMDb: 6.5

The Scandalous Lady W (2015)

SS-GB (2017)
IMDb: 6.4

SS-GB (2017)

Thirteen (2016)
IMDb: 7.1

Thirteen (2016)

War and Peace (2016)
IMDb: 8

War and Peace (2016)

The White Queen (2013)
IMDb: 6.8

The White Queen (2013)

Bigger (2018)
IMDb: 6.4

Bigger (2018)

Dead in a Week (Or Your Money Back) (2018)
IMDb: 6.2

Dead in a Week (Or Your Money Back) (2018)

Dunkirk (2017)
IMDb: 7.9

Dunkirk (2017)

Bitter Harvest (2017)
IMDb: 6.0

Bitter Harvest (2017)

Legend (2015)
IMDb: 6.9

Legend (2015)

Mary, Queen of Scots (2013)
IMDb: 5.4

Mary, Queen of Scots (2013)