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The Nanny - Season 5 Episode 12 - One False Mole and You're Dead - Watch Online Free

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The Nanny S05E12 Watch Online Streaming

Margo Lange, the famous actress, is starring in one of Maxwell’s plays, and Ms. Fine disguises as a gardener so she can spy on them. After being busted by Mr. Sheffield, Fran accidently sprays water on Margo, and as she tries to dry her, Margo’s famous Marilyn-Monroe-like mole comes out. Fran takes her mom to the doctor, and as they were talking on the waiting room, Cindy Adams, the columnist, overhears the story about Margo’s fake mole, and announces it on her show, which makes Margo quit the play. Now Fran has to make things up to Mr. Sheffield, and in order to do so, she comes up with the idea of selling fake moles on the internet with Margo. But the whole plan falls through after Maxwell blabs about it to Mel Brooks, who steals it. Maxwell asks Fran to marry him so he can be forgiven, but she says no to it because she doesn’t want to marry a man out of guilt. But he actually meant it this time…

Jan. 14, 1998

The Nanny season 5

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